
It’s here again!

Even if you are not the world’s biggest sports fan you have surly heard of March Madness, the catchy name used for college basketball’s playoff tournament. Some of us are decked out in our college apparel right down to our underwear while others can’t even name more than two Washington schools. (University of Washington and what’s that other one called?) No matter what kind of fan you are there is no denying how fun it can be to get a burger, some beer and yell silly things at the TV for an hour or so.

That’s why The Rainier Valley Food Bank is partnering with Rookies Sports Bar and Grill to bring you #MunchMadness!!!

The servers at Rookies will be collecting donations during playoff basketball season for the months of March and April. In the true sprite of competition the servers are challenging each other to see who can bring in the most money. So go support your favorite team, support your favorite bar and grill, support your favorite server and most of all support your favorite neighborhood Food Bank.


March Volunteer of the Month!


Grow the Love: 32% Increase in Demand in 2014