Through the Eyes of a Volunteer: Renee

For some, the connection to community and the opportunity to build bonds is more than enough to entice them to give their time. Passionate about healthy food and serving her community, Renee first became involved two years ago, at the onset of the pandemic, when she and her friend Maggie signed up to be delivery drivers. “Ryan is my boss,” she joked, speaking of our Volunteer Coordinator. 

The two had their share of experience lending their time to support their communities by way of being on boards. “We both wanted more hands-on involvement in doing something concrete,” which Renee said led them to Rainier Valley Food Bank. “Not only was Rainier Valley Food Bank an organization that was doing direct service by way of helping people access nutritious food, but at the beginning of the pandemic, the model was disrupted, and I was really impressed by the pivot of let’s get drivers to take food to the people.”

What started out of a sense of urgency with the onset of the pandemic transformed into a part of their weekly routine. As Renee and Maggie continued to make their routes, they discovered additional benefits. They realized they were afforded more time together, with a guaranteed two-hour long window during which they could catch up! They also learned that the more time they put in, the more trust they built. 

“Initially, Maggie and I were sort of looked at, as I think, weird strangers who were invading their space. Over not very much time, we got included in the daily goings on at the building and with the residents.” They began swapping stories of what they were growing in their gardens at home with the guests they visited, building relationships with them, and even helping guests connect to resources that provide essential items, such as free cell phones. To Renee, showing up and being involved is all about the people. “I’m always happy when I get there and jump into action and see everyone, or I hear good music in the warehouse, you know, and it just ends up being the highlight.”

“It’s really enriching. It’s really fun. And it’s really rewarding because you’re literally delivering food. Like good food to peoples’ homes. If what really floats your boat is connecting with others in the community and having a really clear idea about the value of what you’re doing in terms of its purpose, then working for Rainier Valley Food Bank is a super good fit for any potential volunteer.”


Food & Funds Drive Kit


Through the Eyes of a Volunteer: Robb’s Story