Boy Meets Food Bank
Volunteer and Guest Spotlight on Hao, Vy and Chi Lai!
Hao first came to RVFB when his grandmother, Chi Lai, told his mother that he should volunteer to practice his English. Chi Lai and her husband came to the US as refugees when the South Vietnam Government collapsed. In 2014, Hao, Vy and their mother emigrated from Vietnam to join their father and grandparents in Seattle. Chi Lai is a regular Saturday guest of the food bank and provided valuable feedback and suggestions at the first Vietnamese Community Meal. When her daughter was trying to find opportunities for her sons to practice English, Chi Lai knew just the place!
Photo left: Hao (center), his grandmother, Chi Lai (left), and his younger brother, Vy (right)
Hao has become a regular Saturday volunteer, capable of every role and always willing to help where needed. And now Hao brings younger brother, Vy, to help volunteer in the distribution room. The Vietnamese translation they provide is mutually beneficial: while Hao and Vy report that volunteering has improved their English, their Vietnamese skills have been incredibly useful in communicating with other Vietnamese guests. The duo is regularly called upon to assist with translation, and we are thankful for all that their family has contributed to our food bank! Hao says, “I continue volunteering to enforce my English and help other people.”