Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
10 Nonprofits to Support this Holiday Season
Ending hunger in our community takes all of us! We’re proud to work in concert with more than a dozen service providers to help meet our community where they’re at. If you’re looking for a few additional organizations to support this holiday season, consider making a gift to one of our incredible partners.
Honoring Our Space
The 9021 Rainier Ave S building, which we now call home, has a long history of serving our South Seattle community. Before us, the building was a library, a mortuary, a bank, and a Chiropractor’s office – to say the least, our new home has a long, unique history of serving our community’s needs. Learn about how we are honoring our space this month by checking out our new blog post, and we hope to see you at an upcoming event!
ScAAPInger Hunt
This month, we are celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Join us in supporting our local AAPI-owned businesses by participating in our ScAAPInger Hunt. Download and print the bingo card on this blog post and shop your way through Seattle, marking off each business you visit and support this month.
2023 Feast & Friendzy
We were so thrilled to gather with and celebrate our incredible community of volunteers last month. Your hard work, dedication, and commitment to ensuring our neighbors in South Seattle don't have to go hungry truly makes our work possible. To those who joined us in person or in spirit, we're so grateful to be able to celebrate you!
Heroes Uncovered: LA’s Story
LA is undoubtedly one of our most well-known volunteers at RVFB, and if you ask our staff, he's definitely a part of our family. From filling our space with vibrant music, breaking down cardboard, and helping with our Grocery Rescue Program, LA jumps in wherever he can to help, saying hi to friends along the way and welcoming newcomers.
New things are brewing at RVFB
Rainier Valley Food Bank is excited to announce our latest partnership with Flying Lion Brewing.
This exclusive “RVFBrew #7” will be released on November 1st at Flying Lion Brewing (5041 Rainier Ave S #106, Seattle, WA 98118).
Kraken Community Event
On Friday, October 8th, Rainier Valley Food Bank had the opportunity to visit the Kraken Community Iceplex to watch the Kraken team practice before the season starts and a chalk talk with a Kraken coach. WaFd Bank presented us with a large (literally) check for $20,000.
How to Wear a Face Mask
A local South Seattle Girl Scout made this video for Rainier Valley Food Bank to train and educate our volunteers about mask use during COVID.
Her goal is to help get the facts straight about masks and get this info out to the public as much as possible.
From Farm to Food Bank
When most people envision food bank food, canned goods nearing their expiration date generally come to mind. Step foot into Rainier Valley Food Bank on any given day and that image evaporates. Hunger goes beyond people starving with not enough calories to consume. While there may be numerous corner stores offering canned soups for $0.60 a can, affordable options for local, chemical – free romaine, are harder to find.
#25daysofgratitude: Thank you CHOW DOWN Restaurants!
#25daysofgratitude post is dedicated to the restaurants that make our annual Chow Down fundraiser possible. Each summer restaurants and bars in Columbia City and Hillman City provide quick, tasty bites for food adoring participants. Folks are able to partake in this delicious culinary adventure by purchasing a passport that is stamped at each location in exchange for an iconic bite. These passport sales directly benefit Rainier Valley Food Bank and highlight the unique and vibrant culinary culture of South Seattle.
Boy Meets Food Bank
Hao first came to RVFB when his grandmother, Chi Lai, told his mother that he should volunteer to practice his English. Chi Lai and her husband came to the US as refugees when the South Vietnam Government collapsed. In 2014, Hao, Vy and their mother emigrated from Vietnam to join their father and grandparents in Seattle.
Even if you are not the world’s biggest sports fan you have surly heard of March Madness, the catchy name used for college basketball’s playoff tournament. Some of us are decked out in our college apparel right down to our underwear, while others can’t even name more than two Washington schools (University of Washington and what’s that other one called?) No matter what kind of fan you are there is no denying how fun it can be to get a burger, some beer and yell silly things at the TV for an hour or so.
That’s why The Rainier Valley Food Bank is once again partnering with Rookies Sports Bar and Grill to bring you #MunchMadness!!!
Running all the way to the Food Bank
Shelly started volunteering at the food bank in early 2015. She came in once a week to help out with data entry, and always had a friendly story to tell. Shelly is new to running but she decided this year to run the Seattle Half Marathon and raise money for the Rainier Valley Food Bank. Running this distance and fundraising are two things she has never done before. By her own admission, it makes her nervous but she is determined to succeed!
Volunteer of the Month: Sally Teodoro
Sally Teodoro, originally from Manila, Philippines, volunteers weekly as a line host, coordinating our waiting process and greeting folks as they enter to receive food. She knows just how to keep our waiting area organized and in order with kindness and humor!
June Volunteer of the Month
This month we would like to highlight one of our interns from Seattle Central College: Jesse Rowher! Jesse has been interning at Rainier Valley Food Bank for the last 9 months, and has made a tremendous impact in improving our training methods for new volunteers, solidifying roles on distribution days, creating an express bag system, and integrating Kaizen into our distribution day operations to improve our efficiency. Moreover, he has seamlessly integrated himself into our community, and is a joy to watch interact with our food guests. Thank you, Jesse, for being awesome.
April Volunteer of the Month
This month we would like to highlight Willieetta Smith! Willie first came to RVFB 11 months ago and has been gracing us with her presence ever since. The kindness and patience that she brings on distribution days truly help create a hospitable environment for every guest that she greets. We appreciate how Willie is always optimistic, and always willing to help where needed. Thanks Willie, for sharing your beautiful smile with all of us!
March Volunteer of the Month!
Meet Lou! Lou has been volunteering at RVFB for 2 years. His humble and positive nature embodies the environment we are trying to create at the food bank. And for the last few weeks he has been transforming the back wall of our distribution room into an artistic masterpiece! With some chalk and a black wall, he has inserted a vibrant country landscape into our food bank.
10% of glassybaby, Madrona store sales to RVFB
Our partnership with glassybaby, which was announced in July of this year, has an added benefit during the month of December…
glassybaby will donate 10% of all Madrona store sales in the month of December to the Rainier Valley Food Bank.
Volunteer Spotlight: Casundra
Hey Casundra! Why do you volunteer at RVFB? “Rainier Valley is my community! We are so blessed with opportunity, it’s important give back.” Casundra’s personal quirk? “I love ALL people in this world!” We love you too, Casundra! Thanks for being a fabulous volunteer.
Volunteer Spotlight: Felicia
Felicia has been working in human & social services for more than 20 years! She also just hit her one year anniversary as a RVFB volunteer!