Social Justice = Food Justice

RVFB stands in solidarity with our black community against the systemic oppression and racism in our country. The deaths of George Floyd, Eric Garner, Tanisha Anderson, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and so many more innocent people are the cost of institutional violence and white silence.

RVFB would not exist without the hard work and support of our black neighbors. During this time, we request that all RVFB supporters turn their attention to the Black Lives Matter movement by educating yourself, supporting black businesses and organizations, and consider donating to your local bailout fund for demonstrators. 

Do your part in working towards a more equitable society where black households are no longer twice as likely to face food insecurity as white households, black people are valued as much as black culture, and no more innocent black lives are taken by the police.

Please support our Black-owned & led partner businesses and organizations …

Got Green | @gotgreenseattle.

Clean Greens

Nurturing Roots |  @nurturingrootsfarm

Percussion Farms & Preserves  | @percussionfarms

Yes Farm  | @yesfarmofficial

Families of Color Seattle  | @familiesofcolorseattle

Rainier Scholars  | @rainierscholars

Emma’s BBQ  | @emmas_bbq

Lil Red’s

WA BLOC  | @wa_bloc

Terrabone Truck Patch

Seattle Urban League |  @seaurbanleague

AfricaTown  | @africatownsea

Child 2 Chef

Soulful Dishes

Moe Vegan Food Truck  | @moevegan

Str8 Smoke Food Truck

Faith Over Fear

That Brown Girl Cooks  | @thatbrowngirlcooks

Luvn Kitchen  | @luvnkitchn

Chef Tarik |  @tarik.abdullah

Safari Njema Restaurant – Rainier Ave

Kezira Eritrean/Ethiopian Restaurant

Black Food Sovereignty Council & Coalition  | @blackfoodnw


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