Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
A Boost for Our Backpack Program
It has been an incredible year for Rainier Valley Food Bank, filled with fruitful partnerships, new connections, and growing programs. Amongst it all, we recognize that our organization would not be the same without the continuous support of our community. With the turmoil surrounding the school schedules since 2020 we are appreciative of the continued support of our Backpack Program.
Backpack Program Partners
From 2017 to 2018 our backpack program grew 215%. We couldn’t have achieved such significant growth without the support of our wonderful school partners. Our ability to effect meaningful change in the community is stronger when we combine our energy & resources with partners that share our values & goals. Two school partners that we have had the privilege of working & collaborating with are the Vietnamese Friendship Association & WA-BLOC.
What is a Backpack Program?
RVFB partners with seven schools in south Seattle to provide students and families with nutritious food for the weekend—enough food for two days including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack item. Our bags always include fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat, and often include eggs and dairy.
Even if you are not the world’s biggest sports fan you have surly heard of March Madness, the catchy name used for college basketball’s playoff tournament. Some of us are decked out in our college apparel right down to our underwear, while others can’t even name more than two Washington schools (University of Washington and what’s that other one called?) No matter what kind of fan you are there is no denying how fun it can be to get a burger, some beer and yell silly things at the TV for an hour or so.
That’s why The Rainier Valley Food Bank is once again partnering with Rookies Sports Bar and Grill to bring you #MunchMadness!!!