Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
Curry Lentil and Pumpkin Soup
Just in time for the cold snap that’s rolling into our region, the Pantry released our January recipe of the month, a delicious curry lentil and pumpkin soup!
Roasted Red Pepper Chipotle Chowder
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is a Roasted Red Pepper Chipotle Chowder.
Hashweh: Seasoned Rice and Ground Meat Pilaf
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is Hashweh, a seasoned rice and ground meat pilaf.