Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
RVFB is Moving!
After years of planning, we acquired a new building that will transform our ability to serve the growing demands for food and support services throughout the Rainier Valley. We will work out of our new home while the design and construction of our new building takes place.
Rainier Valley Food Bank Acquires New Building to Expand Community Services
Rainier Valley Food Bank, the busiest food bank in the Seattle area serving over 1 million meals annually, announced today that it has acquired a new building that will transform its ability to serve the growing demands of communities ravaged by COVID-19’s impact. Situated in the heart of the Rainier Valley for over 25 years, the Rainier Valley Food Bank saw a significant increase in demand for its food programs while working in a space that barely contained the staff, volunteers and donations needed to meet the growing community needs.