Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) with Ginger Dipping Sauce
Warm yourself up with a new soup recipe from The Pantry. This Pho Ga, a Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup with Ginger Dipping Sauce, is a great choice for the winter months.
Curry Lentil and Pumpkin Soup
Just in time for the cold snap that’s rolling into our region, the Pantry released our January recipe of the month, a delicious curry lentil and pumpkin soup!
Parsnip and Potato Soup with Salsa Verde
Celebrate the start of soup season with this month’s recipe from the Pantry!
Provencal Garlic & Onion Soup
The weather is changing, and soup season is finally here! Check out this month’s recipe from the Pantry Seattle and try their take on a Garlic & Onion Soup.
Split Lentil & Vegetable Soup
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is Split Lentil & Vegetable Soup.
True love is best shared over a pot of soup
Planning a special dinner for Valentine’s dinner tomorrow? Whether it be with a romantic partner, close friend, dear family member, or awkward new roommate, share some love this Valentine’s Day with a warm bowl of Borscht! Red beets are the MVP in this Ukrainian soup, turning a medley of vegetables into a dreamy fuchsia fantasy.