Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
Provencal Garlic & Onion Soup
The weather is changing, and soup season is finally here! Check out this month’s recipe from the Pantry Seattle and try their take on a Garlic & Onion Soup.
Roasted Red Pepper Chipotle Chowder
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is a Roasted Red Pepper Chipotle Chowder.
Chicken Parmesan
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is Parmesan Chicken!
Black Beans and Rice
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is Black Beans & Rice!
Split Lentil & Vegetable Soup
Looking for new ideas of what to make? We’re delighted to share a new budget-friendly recipe idea every month in partnership with The Pantry! This month’s recipe is Split Lentil & Vegetable Soup.
What if you had to feed yourself on just $7 a day?
As you think hard about the money you spend to feed yourself, consider giving what you can to help Rainier Valley Food Bank provide fresh, nutritious food to 11,000 neighbors every month. Match your Hunger Challenge food budget with a donation, and we’ll stretch every dollar you donate into $12 worth of food.