The State of Food Insecurity

A Year Like No Other

Massive layoffs, record-breaking inflation, and an end to COVID relief resulted in a rollback on SNAP benefits. Over the past year, we've begun to see the long-term effects of the pandemic take a toll on our community. The effects are becoming known as the "hunger cliff."

With less money to spend at the grocery store, some folks are swapping out what goes in their cart to make ends meet, becoming vegetarians by circumstance, or adopting strategies like purchasing cheaper shelf-stable goods instead of meat and fresh produce. While these choices help folks get by, they also often mean sacrificing a healthy diet and culturally relevant food.

It's not just our neighbors feeling the pinch but also the systems folks rely on. Northwest Harvest noted that food supplies are down 80%. Our warehouse manager Otis said it was easier for us to get food during the supply chain issues than now.

We're asking you to support our community with a gift. Our question is, what would it look like for you to make a significant gift – how far can you stretch for our growing number of neighbors who are already uncomfortable?

Impacts of the Hunger Cliff


households impacted in Washington by cuts to SNAP programs.


on average, less per month to spend on groceries.


increase in guest visits to Rainier Valley Food Bank over the last 6 months.

Help Strengthen Our Safety Net Against the

Hunger Cliff


households receive services from RVFB every week.


increase in food purchased at RVFB from 2021 - 2022.


people volunteered for RVFB in 2022.

Strengthen Our Safety Net

Historically, this season represents one of the slowest donation seasons, as less food and dollars come into our organization. Support our neighbors in navigating the hunger cliff by making a gift today, starting a Facebook fundraiser, or signing up to be a monthly donor starting at $20 a month.

Want to Get More Involved?

Stay in the Know

Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to learn more about what's impacting food insecurity in our community and how you can help support your neighbors.

Upcoming events

Northwest Harvest is hosting an evening chat about food justice! Join their webinar "It Takes More Than Food to End Hunger" on May 16th from 4:30 - 5:30 pm.

Greatest Needs

Looking for ways to help end hunger beyond making a gift? Shop our Amazon Wishlist or volunteer for our grocery rescue program! Shifts are available Wednesday-Saturday.


2023 Feast & Friendzy


Qalayet Bandoura: Simple Palestinian Tomato Stew with Fresh Herbs and Olive Oil