Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
2023 Annual Report
Throughout 2023, the RVFB community focused on opportunity. We have seen our programs grow, with our SPARK To-Go Lunch program serving between 75-90 clients daily and our grocery service swelling to 200 clients per session. We've seized this opportunity, forming partnerships with church neighbors and other nonprofits to build our service capacity. As we look ahead to our expansion and continued growth, we deeply appreciate your continued support.
Making Room for All: RVFB’s Groundbreaking Ceremony
On June 28th, 2024, Rainier Valley Food Bank held a Groundbreaking Ceremony to celebrate the start of construction on their revitalization project for the new community food hub, planning to open in Fall 2025. People gathered to celebrate the creation of a space with enough room to address the many challenges that lead to hunger in our community.
A Recap of 2024 Hunger Action Day
On February 1st, we had the privilege of representing Rainier Valley Food Bank at Hunger Action Day as a part of the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition. Our goal was to engage with our legislators about creating a hunger-free Washington State.
2022 Annual Report
2022 has been our first full year in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. Committed outreach into the community by RVFB staff and board members has connected us to new partnerships, clients, volunteers, board, and committee members. All have expressed great enthusiasm as we “take root” and settle into our new home. We look forward to continuing to grow and mature in 2023.
The State of Food Insecurity
Massive layoffs, record-breaking inflation, and an end to COVID relief resulted in a rollback on SNAP benefits. Over the past year, we've begun to see the long-term effects of the pandemic take a toll on our community. The effects are becoming known as the "hunger cliff."
The Height of Holiday Giving
The snow flurries this week brought holiday spirits into full swing at RVFB! Our community is merry, and the spirit of giving is alive and well. Did you know that this season marks the height of giving at RVFB?
On Behalf of the Seattle Food Committee
Will eggs or milk make it into the shopping cart this week? Is there enough room in the budget this month to cover the increased cost of gas? We are well aware that Americans are asking themselves these questions every day. What some might not realize, is that food bank managers and directors must ask themselves these same questions as they order food for their programs, including those right here in Seattle.
4 Ways to Give this Holiday Season
South Seattle has sprung alive this holiday season with the spirit of giving, leaving more folks looking for opportunities to lend a helping hand! Will you join us this holiday season?
A New Look for RVFB
Our previous logo has carried us through the formative years as our organization and our community have grown. With so much growth still to come, from expanding services, and more exciting opportunities ahead, we're excited to unveil our new logo, with hands reaching in to serve, a tree full of fruit to nourish, and a heart at the center.
A Look Back at 2021: Annual Report
We’re excited to share our annual report, sharing stories, reflections, and statistics that represent what the past year has meant for Rainier Valley Food Bank.