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Giving Big with GiveBig
We’re thankful for the many donors who help fuel our annual operating budget by partaking in GiveBig. This year we were thrilled to have more than 200 donors throughout the month, raising nearly $58,000!
It’s Time to GiveBIG!
Are you ready to feed community and plant the seeds of justice? We need you now more than ever.
GiveBIG is May 5th & 6th (with extended donations until 5/15), and you have the opportunity to join thousands of your neighbors in supporting the local organizations that cultivate sustainable social change in the Seattle area.
Are You Ready For GiveBIG?
It’s that time of year again, when the people of King County have an opportunity to join together and make a hugely positive impact. It’s easy to wonder “How can I as one person make any change?” When you give, your dollar will be combined with thousands of others to build healthier communities in our region. Together we can make an impact.
Spring is the time to do something BIG – Why you should GiveBIG to the Rainier Valley Food Bank
Everyone here at Rainier Valley Food Bank (RVFB) loves spring; but spring also brings a significant set of challenges to the food bank. After the fervor of the winter holidays and the end-of-year contributions, RVFB sees a sizable dip in donations. A few months into the New Year, the wonderful and generous store of resources begins a slow drop, a “spring slump” for which we must prepare every year.
GiveBIG is May 15 – Three things you should know!
The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG event is back and we hope you’ll participate in this annual day of giving.
Today’s the day to GIVE BIG!
Today, every dollar you donate through The Seattle Foundation will be matched by a pool of sponsors, including some of the region’s most generous givers. Spring is the time of year when food banks across the country see a dip in donations. There’s no better time to help us and your community.