Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
6 Places to Enjoy a Free Thanksgiving Meal
The holidays are just around the corner! While the food bank may be closed on Thanksgiving day, there are so many places to gather in the community with your neighbors and family while sharing a free meal this Thanksgiving. Explore these six options to find the right for your family.
Farmers Markets Get More Marvelous This Summer with EBT’s Market Match
Over 100 farmers markets and farm stands in Washington State are participating in the Market Match. With this program, guests who use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/EBT benefits can increase their food budget to buy more produce.
Summer EBT’s SUN Bucks Brings Abundance to Youth
Many students rely on free or reduced-priced meals at school. During the 2019-2020 school year, 43.31% of students in Washington State were eligible for the program. However, because many schools don’t provide meals during summer break, food insecurity increases for families while schools are not in session.
That’s where summer EBT comes in. Now called SUN Bucks, the USDA-approved program will help the families of about 550,000 low-income students in 37 states, including Washington, buy more groceries this summer.
A Recap of 2024 Hunger Action Day
On February 1st, we had the privilege of representing Rainier Valley Food Bank at Hunger Action Day as a part of the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition. Our goal was to engage with our legislators about creating a hunger-free Washington State.
Free Holiday Meal Sites in Seattle
Seeking a place to enjoy a meal surrounded by community this holiday season? Check out these six sites located throughout the Greater Seattle Area.