
Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.

Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

RVFB is Moving!

After years of planning, we acquired a new building that will transform our ability to serve the growing demands for food and support services throughout the Rainier Valley. We will work out of our new home while the design and construction of our new building takes place.

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Friends of the Food Bank Rainier Valley Food Bank Friends of the Food Bank Rainier Valley Food Bank

Kraken Community Event

On Friday, October 8th, Rainier Valley Food Bank had the opportunity to visit the Kraken Community Iceplex to watch the Kraken team practice before the season starts and a chalk talk with a Kraken coach. WaFd Bank presented us with a large (literally) check for $20,000.

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Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank

2021 Community Harvest Gala

Our Gala is a celebration of resilience and growth, as well as an opportunity to recognize the generosity of the community that has sustained RVFB over the last years. We invite you to celebrate with friends, new and old, as we applaud the past and look excitedly to RVFB’s future.

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Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

Wildfire Awareness Campaign

In case you missed our #WashingtonWildfireAwareness campaign, you can view our posts from the week of August 16-20th, 2021 below. You can support this campaign by donating here

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Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

Seattle: Resources for Smoky Days

In preparation for a potential poor air quality event this wildfire season, the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is engaged in planning, in partnership with the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Public Health—Seattle & King County (PHSKC), to support those living unsheltered by opening up cleaner air shelters if the need arises.

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Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

Seattle: Stay Cool During Warm Weather

Stay cool this weekend, Seattle!

“This upcoming week, we’re reopening many City facilities for individuals to stay cool, but many of our City’s indoor spaces remain closed or at reduced capacity due to state and local Public Health mandates,” said Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan. “As a reminder, drink plenty of water, reduce strenuous outdoor activities, check on neighbors and those at risk for heat-related illness, and don’t leave any pets in the car.”

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Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

Rainier Valley Food Bank Acquires New Building to Expand Community Services

Rainier Valley Food Bank, the busiest food bank in the Seattle area serving over 1 million meals annually, announced today that it has acquired a new building that will transform its ability to serve the growing demands of communities ravaged by COVID-19’s impact. Situated in the heart of the Rainier Valley for over 25 years, the Rainier Valley Food Bank saw a significant increase in demand for its food programs while working in a space that barely contained the staff, volunteers and donations needed to meet the growing community needs.

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Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank

Community Harvest Gala: Grow With Us Virtually!

Learn from Seattle’s renowned chef and owner of the Jerk Shack, the Caribbean star of downtown, Trey Lamont, in an exclusive cooking class as he teaches you to prepare his famous Rasta Pasta! You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get firsthand tips as you get a view right into Trey’s kitchen. 

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Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

Social Justice = Food Justice

RVFB stands in solidarity with our black community against the systemic oppression and racism in our country. The deaths of George Floyd, Eric Garner, Tanisha Anderson, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and so many more innocent people are the cost of institutional violence and white silence.

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Give Big, Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank Give Big, Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank

It’s Time to GiveBIG!

Are you ready to feed community and plant the seeds of justice? We need you now more than ever.

GiveBIG is May 5th & 6th (with extended donations until 5/15), and you have the opportunity to join thousands of your neighbors in supporting the local organizations that cultivate sustainable social change in the Seattle area.

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Programs Rainier Valley Food Bank Programs Rainier Valley Food Bank

Backpack Program Partners

From 2017 to 2018 our backpack program grew 215%. We couldn’t have achieved such significant growth without the support of our wonderful school partners. Our ability to effect meaningful change in the community is stronger when we combine our energy & resources with partners that share our values & goals. Two school partners that we have had the privilege of working & collaborating with are the Vietnamese Friendship Association & WA-BLOC.

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Programs Rainier Valley Food Bank Programs Rainier Valley Food Bank

What is a Backpack Program?

RVFB partners with seven schools in south Seattle to provide students and families with nutritious food for the weekend—enough food for two days including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack item. Our bags always include fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat, and often include eggs and dairy.

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Events, Garden Rainier Valley Food Bank Events, Garden Rainier Valley Food Bank

Urban Ag Bike Tour 2018!

Time flies when you’re having fun! It’s already May, and y’all know what that means: our annual Urban Ag Bike Tour is right around the corner. Heading into our 5th year with support from Bike Works, participants have the opportunity to choose from FOUR tour dates! That’s four routes and four opportunities for cyclists of all levels to learn about our Southeast Seattle food system.

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Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank Events, Fundraiser Rainier Valley Food Bank


Yes folks, it’s March. With the fluctuation in weather around Seattle you’d think it was November! Luckily we have March Madness to keep us inside, cozy, and engaged while we wait for warmer weather. In addition to the competitive nature of March Madness, Rainier Valley Food Bank is continuing with our yearly #MunchMadness fundraiser in partnership with Rookies Sports Bar and Grill and Backyard.

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Garden, Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank Garden, Awareness Rainier Valley Food Bank

Growing a Giving Garden

There are many ways to give to a food bank. People have given their time in the form of volunteering, donations in the form of non perishable items; such as rice, pasta, snacks, cooking oils and canned goods, and hosted fun(d) drives, to name a few. These are all wonderful, necessary, and fun ways to get involved with your community! A crucial pillar to our mission is to provide fresh nutritious produce to our food guests. That’s one of the reasons people love RVFB! While purchasing produce for our guests is necessary- due to the sheer volume we serve- community gardens and p.patches have gotten involved through “growing a row” for our Food Bank. Partnering with our local food system through the Giving Garden program has allowed us to build partnerships across our community while nurturing our guests with fresh, community grown, good food.

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