Dive into the stories that make up our community’s history, from recipes to annual reports, volunteer stories, and much more.
We had another fabulous time at Rainier BAAMFEST in July! This years’ theme was “Come Together.” In order to synchronize with this theme and involve food, we worked with local artist, Isobel Davis, to help bring our vision to life! Her idea was to create a life-size edible labyrinth which participants could walk, contemplate, and harvest its small but fruitful bounty. We also chose to incorporate mandalas, using multicolored dried legumes and grains.
Urban Ag Bike Tour 2017!
This summer we are excited to announce RVFB’s 4th annual Urban Ag Bike Tour in partnership with Bike Works. Participants have the opportunity to choose from THREE tour dates! That’s three routes and three opportunities for cyclists of all levels to learn about our Southeast Seattle food system.
From Farm to Food Bank
When most people envision food bank food, canned goods nearing their expiration date generally come to mind. Step foot into Rainier Valley Food Bank on any given day and that image evaporates. Hunger goes beyond people starving with not enough calories to consume. While there may be numerous corner stores offering canned soups for $0.60 a can, affordable options for local, chemical – free romaine, are harder to find.
#25daysofgratitude: Thank you CHOW DOWN Restaurants!
#25daysofgratitude post is dedicated to the restaurants that make our annual Chow Down fundraiser possible. Each summer restaurants and bars in Columbia City and Hillman City provide quick, tasty bites for food adoring participants. Folks are able to partake in this delicious culinary adventure by purchasing a passport that is stamped at each location in exchange for an iconic bite. These passport sales directly benefit Rainier Valley Food Bank and highlight the unique and vibrant culinary culture of South Seattle.
Urban Ag Bike Tour – Get your Veg and Pedal on!
This summer we are excited to announce RVFB’s 3rd annual Urban Ag Bike Tour in partnership with Bike Works, on not one, not two, but THREE tour dates! That’s three routes and three opportunities for cyclists of all levels to learn about our Southeast Seattle food system.
Happy Birthday to Us!
This year marks RVFB’s 25th birthday, on May 1, to be exact. For a quarter century, we have seen unbelievable growth in demand. As much as I would like to say that our service levels are decreasing, we continue to set new records in the number of people we feed. March once again blew through our previous record, with over 23,782 people fed, including repeat visitors.
Are You Ready For GiveBIG?
It’s that time of year again, when the people of King County have an opportunity to join together and make a hugely positive impact. It’s easy to wonder “How can I as one person make any change?” When you give, your dollar will be combined with thousands of others to build healthier communities in our region. Together we can make an impact.
Boy Meets Food Bank
Hao first came to RVFB when his grandmother, Chi Lai, told his mother that he should volunteer to practice his English. Chi Lai and her husband came to the US as refugees when the South Vietnam Government collapsed. In 2014, Hao, Vy and their mother emigrated from Vietnam to join their father and grandparents in Seattle.
More Without Food Stamps
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, commonly known as food stamps, are a critical resource for 46.5 million Americans across the US. They provide a reliable source of money that can be spent at grocery stores and farmers markets to buy fresh, healthy groceries. Not only do they alleviate financial pressures faced by low-income households, they also increase food security for recipients.
Why We’re Growing Food on Top of a Shipping Container
A good meal shared with good company brings happiness to the heart. It’s as universal and human as a smile. A thriving community can be gauged by its access to healthy food and the absence of hunger. Hunger is not an issue of charity, it’s an issue of justice. It’s with this shared vision that True Blue Aquaponics and RVFB have joined forces to begin growing healthy, fresh food right onsite at the food bank.
Even if you are not the world’s biggest sports fan you have surly heard of March Madness, the catchy name used for college basketball’s playoff tournament. Some of us are decked out in our college apparel right down to our underwear, while others can’t even name more than two Washington schools (University of Washington and what’s that other one called?) No matter what kind of fan you are there is no denying how fun it can be to get a burger, some beer and yell silly things at the TV for an hour or so.
That’s why The Rainier Valley Food Bank is once again partnering with Rookies Sports Bar and Grill to bring you #MunchMadness!!!
RVFB Goes to the Capitol!
Last month, Rainier Valley Food Bank volunteers congregated with 100 other hunger activists at our State Capitol in Olympia for Hunger Action Day.
True love is best shared over a pot of soup
Planning a special dinner for Valentine’s dinner tomorrow? Whether it be with a romantic partner, close friend, dear family member, or awkward new roommate, share some love this Valentine’s Day with a warm bowl of Borscht! Red beets are the MVP in this Ukrainian soup, turning a medley of vegetables into a dreamy fuchsia fantasy.
Food as a human right: RVFB’s part in the homelessness crisis
We are improving the way To-Go Bags are produced, with the help of volunteers. As the homeless population in Seattle increases, the demand on organizations that support them will increase in tandem. We are working to formalize our To-Go Bag production, for top quality and efficiency.
Lobster & Prawn Mac-n-Cheese, Please!
Sam’s Lobster & Prawn Mac-n-Cheese Uhhhhh, yum! Doesn’t this look ahhhhhhmazing! This is Sam Osborne, RVFB Executive Director’s take on an ‘ol classic. From our food-lovin’-oven to your yours … ENJOY!
Running all the way to the Food Bank
Shelly started volunteering at the food bank in early 2015. She came in once a week to help out with data entry, and always had a friendly story to tell. Shelly is new to running but she decided this year to run the Seattle Half Marathon and raise money for the Rainier Valley Food Bank. Running this distance and fundraising are two things she has never done before. By her own admission, it makes her nervous but she is determined to succeed!
Volunteer of the Month: Sally Teodoro
Sally Teodoro, originally from Manila, Philippines, volunteers weekly as a line host, coordinating our waiting process and greeting folks as they enter to receive food. She knows just how to keep our waiting area organized and in order with kindness and humor!
Transparency for Justice
To be alive and present to the needs of those around us—especially those we serve—is to continuously be aware of the filters through which we view the world. These filters are formed by some things that are learned, like our belief systems or our political views. Some filters are formed by things we have no choice in, like our race, our gender, and an enormous array of other factors that contribute to how we see ourselves, the world, and those around us. The more transparent our filters become, the better we are able to serve with true humility and compassion—two cornerstones of real justice. The more transparent our filters become, the more we are able to approach a deeper understanding of our fellow beings, and thus contribute to a more just society.
Social Justice or Food Justice?
Racial inequality has been at the forefront of our news and conversations, and at RVFB we see that food access is innately linked with social justice. We asked community leader Kenya Fredie to share her thoughts on how growing food impacts social justice. Kenya wears multiple hats as Dept. Neighborhoods P-Patch Community Garden Coordinator, “Growing for Giving” Volunteer at Judkins P-Patch, and dedicated steward to her daughter, her earth, and her community.